Hi, I'm Nicholas Johnson!

software engineer / trainer / AI enthusiast

SVG Scatterplot

There’s no rule which says the data you graph has to be one dimensional. Very often you will find yourself working with two dimensional data sets.

Two dimensional data

This might take the form of an array of arrays like this:

let data = [
  [1, 2, 3],
  [3, 2, 1],

It might take the form of an array of objects, like this:

let data = [
  { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
  { a: 3, b: 2, c: 1 },

You can work with two dimensional data just as easily as with one dimensional data.

Binding two dimensional data

We bind our data in the usual way.

let bars = d3.select(".graph").selectAll("rect").data(data);

Each div now has a data attribute that contains the array or the object. We can access it in the usual way, with the caveat that the data is an object so we use the dot notation:

bars.attr("width", function (data, i) {
  return data.a * 10;

Exercise - A Scatterplot

Use the following data set:

let data = [
    dynamism: 8,
    synergy: 6,
    confluence: 42,
    dynamism: 4,
    synergy: 8,
    confluence: 13,
    dynamism: 10,
    synergy: 9.5,
    confluence: 56,

We are going to create a scatterplot. A scatterplot has circles arranged along the x,y axis. In addition the circles can be differnt sizes to indicate importance.

You might like to graph dynamism and synergy on the x,y axis, then use confluence to control the spot size. See if you can see any patterns.


Add more data to the dataset. The plot can handle it.

Massive Bonus Exercise

Attempt to swap the axes. The simplest way to do this will be to create another drawing function that simply redraws the graph using a different set of axes.

Call this function from the JavaScript console.