Jasmine is a unit testing framework for JavaScript. It was originally developed for the browser, but it works equally well in Node using the jasmine-node module
First we must install it globally:
npm install jasmine-node -g
=code(code, :bash)
We can now run specs using:
jasmine-node spec
=code(code, :bash)
Creating something to test
Let’s return to our daysUntil module. Mine looks something like this:
const MS_IN_DAY = 24*60*60*1000;
var day = {
today: function() {
return new Date();
year: function() {
return this.today().getFullYear();
christmas: function() {
return new Date(this.year(), 11, 25);
// console.log(day.christmas());
module.exports = {
christmas: function(date) {
var today = date || day.today();
return (day.christmas() - today) / MS_IN_DAY;
Notice how my christmas function receives an optional date parameter. Parametrising our functions like this helps a lot with testing.
Creating a spec
create a folder called specs (nothing special about this name, it’s just traditional)
Now create a file called say daysuntil-spec.js.
Now we simply include the module, and describe its features using Jasmine’s easy to use
var daysUntil = require("../days_until");
describe('daysUntil', function() {
it('Calculate a non-zero number of days', function() {
it('Calculates 10 days from December 15th', function() {
var year = new Date().getFullYear();
var decFifteenth = new Date(year, 11, 15);
Read more on Jasmine syntax here: jasmine.github.io/2.0/introduction.html
Integration with Gulp
We can run our Jasmine right from Gulp.
jasmine = require('gulp-jasmine')
gulp.task('jasmin', function () {
return gulp.src('spec/*.js')
Exercise - Test your Days till module
Write a test for each method in your Days till module
Exercise - Gulp-Jasmine
Extend your Gulpfile to run your tests automatically.
Set a watcher which watches the js files in your project. When they update execute the jasmine task.
Exercise - Mocha
Mocha is a project very similar to Jasmine, but with better support for asynchronous tasks. Refactor your code to use Mocha