The Scaffold Generator allows us to create a controller, model, views, partials, stylesheets and tests with a single call.
In this section we are going to look at using scaffolding to create a CRUD app in double quick time.
Scaffold the resource
It’s traditional to make a blog, but feel free to make a kitten, or similar.
First create a BlogPost scaffold and give it some attributes. You can use the following generator as a jumping off point. You will need to add a content:text
and probably also a date:datetime
rails g scaffold blog_post title:string
Look over the controller
Take a look at the controller that was made, you will find 7 standard actions allowing you to create
, edit
, show
, index
and destroy
(edit and create get two methods each).
Spend a few minutes reading through the code and understanding it.
Look at the routes
You will find one line has been added to the routes file: resources
This single line generates all of the standard crud routes for you. Check them out from a console by typing:
rake routes
Look at the views. See the form partial? It’s used by the new and edit templates. Have a read and try to understand what’s going on.
The tests that have been built for you should work right out of the box. Run:
rake test
to run all of the tests.
Further Exercise: Validation
Use validates_presence_of :title
to validate that the blog_post
has a title. It is now not possible to save a blog_post
without a title. Add validation for the content.
Try and create a blog post without a title, look at the error reporting. Do you see how it works?
Further Further Exercise: Homepage
Set blog_post#index
as the homepage, so when you visit your Blog, you see a list of entries.
Harder Exercise: Friendly URLs
Add a slug attribute to the blog_post
. Do a find_by_slug
instead of a regular find in your show method like this:
BlogPost.find_by_slug params[:id]
Use a migration to add the field, generate the migration like this:
rails g migration add_slug_to_blog_post
Within the migration you will want to do something like this:
add_column :blog_posts, :slug, :string, index: true
Finally, ensure slug is a required field.
You can now hit a URL like this